The seven steps to healthy skin

The simple steps you can take to keep your skin in shape

Our body's first defence, skin is under attack every day. So what can we do to help our largest organ stay in shape?
1. Sleeping beauty: We all know the signs of sleep deprived skin; A dull sallow complexion complete with fine lines and dark circles. A good night's sleep really is the biggest beauty boost your skin can get, allowing it to rest and repair itself.
2. Cleanse the day away: Resist the temptation to roll into bed without removing the day's make-up. Not only will you be left with a grubby pillow but during the night a build up of oils, make-up and pollution will sink into the skin, leaving it bumpy, dell and grey. Not what you want to wake up to.
3. Exfoliate: Skin is constantly renewing itself, shedding old cells to be replaced by sparkling new ones. Sometimes though, dead skin cells cam become stuck to the skin's surface (especially with oily skins) leaving the complexion dull and lifeless. A regular exfoliation will help to slough away the dead layer to leave you looking fresh and radiant.
4. Cover up: An SPF is the best anti-ageing product you can apply. And we're not talking about when you're on the beach here. UV rays penetrate and damage skin all year round – even on a cloudy winter's day damaging free-radicals are being created by these ageing rays. Many products now contain an SPF15 (the minimum you should be wearing), making it easier to cover up when you go outside. Check your foundation and moisturiser and if neither contains an SPF make sure you apply it on top.
5. Stub out that cigarette: Smoking ages skin. Fast. Stub it out and your skin will loose its dullness and will stay line-free for longer.
6. A firm foundation:Some people still think that foundation is bad for the skin. It isn't. Foundation provides a physical barrier on the skin, giving added protection against the elements. And if you're lucky enough not to need a foundation then make sure you apply a good moisturiser every morning to help your skin stays healthy.
7. Stop squeezing: It's so tempting, but try and resist. Squeezing spots can cause deep down damage, impacting on vital collagen production, as well as leaving unsightly acne scars and blackheads.

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